Today we proudly announce that we can finally publish our “Open ArchiVIZ Pack”! It is a free package of entourage trees, people, tileable textures etc. for architectural visualizations.
You can get it here: Download free “Open ArchiVIZ Pack” now
It is not the biggest collection in the world, because we rather set the focus on high quality graphics that support you with you in your daily business. Yes it means that you are also allowed to use the graphics for your professional and commercial projects!
The collections contais also some unusual elements like cutout hand drawn tree and people, because we want to encourage you to test new things and experiment with the graphics.
We really hope you like the pack and it is usual for you. If you want to do me a favour: Please recommend the pack to your friends, colleagues or fellow students if you like it – it would be very helpful for this project!
Please find the free library of entourage trees, people etc. for your next architectural illustration here:
Enjoy it!
Jeff Current says
jerico teposo says